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ANCESTORGATEWAY FORUM - WELCOME 0 0 August 14, 2017 @ 4:11 PM
We welcome postings to ANCESTORGATEWAY FORUM. of the headings below and post your thoughts to us on appropriate topics. If you have an idea for another Forum we could add we would like to hear from you. To suggest another Forum, Click on the ANCESTORGATEWAY FORUM - WELCOME heading immediately above and then Click on New Topic. Although we make every effort not to offend, ancestorgateway is not responsible for the content of postings provided by contributors to the site.
BOER WAR GATEWAY 3 5 November 6, 2013 @ 2:26 PM
Are you involved in Boer War Research? Did you have an ancestor who fought in the Boer War? Do you have recollections that have been handed down in your family, or documents or medals relevant to the Boer War? If so, we would like to hear from you.
Childhood Memories, School Memories and Contacts 17 30 January 6, 2018 @ 5:40 PM
A discussion area for posting items remembered from your childhood days, school days and contacting old school friends. After all, school days were said to be "the happiest days of your life".
Family History 42 82 September 8, 2023 @ 12:35 PM
Thinking about tracing your family history? You can find discussion on common issues here.It is not necessary for your email address to appear, unless you want a reply direct.
GARDENING FORUM 7 10 May 9, 2016 @ 10:49 AM
Tell us about your gardening successes, difficulties, interests.
GREAT WAR GATEWAY 56 82 April 23, 2018 @ 8:00 PM
An area for discussion of matters and people involved in The Great War. If you have something you wish to ask questions about post it to the forum with a suitable heading. Other people may then be able to answer. If you have a story about a relative involved in The Great War, perhaps who died or was injured, or recounted an interesting fact to you about his/her experience of The War, we would like to hear from you.
HOLIDAY MEMORIES 2 2 March 27, 2008 @ 1:27 PM
Share your memories of your holidays. Was it when you were a child or part of a family? Did you love the place you went to? Was it the scenery or the people? Did you wish you could stay there for ever?
ME AND MY CAR & ME AND MY MOTORBIKE 5 8 March 27, 2008 @ 11:05 AM
Do you have a cherished car? Do you have memories of a car you once owned? Tell us about your love/hate relationship with your car. Did you spend hours polishing and improving it? Was it your pride and joy? Do you wish you hadn't parted with it? Also ME AND MY MOTORBIKE (If your posting is Specific to STAMFORD go to STAMFORD MEMORIES GATEWAY where ME AND MY CAR postings for Stamford can be posted and you can read those of others.
Scattered Ashes Gateway 2 2 July 15, 2007 @ 12:04 PM
An area where you may record where the ashes of a loved one were scattered. Keep a record about them which you can revisit on the site. Please keep the record simple - similar to a memorial stone. Please give date of birth, date of death, place where ashes are scattered, etc. See example by going to the SCATTERED ASHES GATEWAY FORUM. If we receive enough entries we will transfer them to a database similar to the MEMORIAL STONES (GRAVESTONES) one on the main site. This will give a lasting record for the relatives and help researchers to find details of ancestors.
SCHOOLS I REMEMBER 11 30 April 7, 2023 @ 11:44 AM
Do you have memories of a school you were associated with? Why not add your school to the school list and share those memories with others. Just click on New Topic and add your memories of the School.
STAMFORD CORNERS - PLACES TO SEE- always check time,date,venue on official website before visiting 17 27 August 5, 2014 @ 9:07 PM
We will be adding some places to see and visit - send your own favourite places for inclusion.
STAMFORD MEMORIES GATEWAY (Lincolnshire England) used as PRIDE and PREJUDICE FILM SET 505 3596 March 6, 2025 @ 4:23 PM
Your chance to remember Stamford, the time you lived or visited there, or to read recollections from those who still live there. Why not take a look and tell us your memories of STAMFORD? Help to build a record of those things which make STAMFORD unique. Is it the shops, pubs, streets,schools, buildings or people? Your memory is important in building a picture of STAMFORD which others can enjoy and which can trigger their memories for them too. Entries become searchable on msn, yahoo etc after 2 or 3 weeks. Example, type Stamp Shop Scotgate Stamford into MSN.com YAHOO, or GOOGLE search box.Or try entering Douglas Newton radio shop Stamford The entry on the topic about the Stamp Shop or Douglas Newton on Ancestorgateway.com will come up as the No. 1 result. This will enable other people to find your entry if they are searching for those subjects. (Stamford is featured in the film Pride and Prejudice, staring Judi Dench, Donald Sutherland and Keira Knightley.Filming took place in Stamford in 2004.)
That Street 8 8 December 9, 2019 @ 9:30 AM
Is it The Street where you used to live? Where your grandparents lived? Did you stay there during a period in your life and wonder what happened to That Street? Tell us about it.
WARTIME MEMORIES (WW2) Share your memories of the War years. 13 13 July 30, 2009 @ 1:21 PM
Did you experience difficulties during the War? Were you separated from your family or loved one? Do you remember the joy when it was all over? We would be pleased to hear from you.